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Friday, July 2, 2010

How well does the Government use South Africa's wealth? Not at all!

The diagram below from Gapminder shows that generally the richer a country is (the horizontal axis is the GNP, a measure of per capita income) the higher the life expectancy. This presumably because people live better, have a better environment and get better health care through income effectively spent by the government.

(click the image to open website)

With a high GDP one expects a country to have a good life expectancy, but South Africa's is around where Angola is and has a life expectancy of something like a third less than many other countries at the same GNP level. Conversely SA's life expectancy is similar to that of Zimbabwe which has a GDP only a 25th of South Africa's.

So I conclude the Zuma government and its predecessors has not given us a good health return on our wealth, maybe because too much leaks through corruption and the expenditure is not efficient.


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